Visual search aid
Witnesses describe the perpetrator - the LKA NRW creates the wanted picture

Fugitive image montage

Fugitive image montages (phantom images) are visual search aids

If victims or witnesses have observed an unknown person in connection with the commission of a crime or if the image material available to the police of a known suspect no longer corresponds to his current appearance, our experts are just as much in demand as for the facial soft tissue reconstruction (digital thanatopraxy) of unknown dead bodies: The employees of the "Visual Mugshots" task force of the State Office of Criminal Investigation are immediately available to the district police authorities for the creation of the phantom images and image montages required for search purposes. The task force uses the proven principle of associative memory via image inspiration and photomontage and is extremely successful, with success rates of between 25 and 30 percent.

Image montage/image variations/aging

Another variation of digital image processing and support is provided for missing or wanted persons. Here, the possible variations of appearance can be adapted taking into account clues or current findings in order to visually take into account changed hairstyles, beards, glasses or other changes. In the case of long-term missing persons or persons of whom no current photographs are available, ageing features can be incorporated to show the possible current appearance of the person.

Corporeal image processing

In collaboration with forensic medicine experts, images of unknown deceased persons can also be processed so that the images can be used and contribute to clarifying the identity.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110