Sexual assaults
Sexual assaults after making contact on social networks
Prevention tips for young people and parents

A brief chat with a stranger - in many cases of sexual assault after making contact on social media, the story starts harmlessly.

The perpetrators specifically search for potential victims on online dating sites or social networks. The first contact is often made via an invitation to chat. Perpetrators try to make themselves interesting and appear serious with convincing stories. This is how they gain the trust of their victims.

This quickly leads to an attempt to arrange a date. This provides opportunities for perpetrators to sexually abuse their victims.

Be careful with online initiations

Getting to know each other in a virtual space, especially between young people and adults, can be dangerous. Such initiations should always be viewed with caution. This is because the intentions, ideas and goals of those involved can differ greatly from one another

This is why the police recommend

  • Be sensitive with your personal data on social networks
  • Be aware that your signals could be misunderstood. Don't agree to a meeting if you don't feel comfortable with it.
  • Talk to someone you trust beforehand. This could be a parent or good friend.
  • Never meet an unknown chat partner alone - not even out of curiosity. If necessary, ask a friend to come along or arrange a telephone contact at a fixed time.
  • The meeting should take place in a public place. Plan your arrival and departure independently
  • Do not agree to a change of location/relocation of the meeting if you are not sure.
  • Pay attention to your gut feeling during the meeting. If you don't feel comfortable, leave the meeting.

You can find these and other prevention tips here.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110