Combating residential burglary crime

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Combating residential burglary crime
As part of the campaign: Riegel vor! - Safe is safer, the police in the Rhein-Sieg district invest a lot of time and effort in combating burglary.
Police RSK / Kröll

All police authorities in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia invest a lot of time and effort in combating domestic burglary. One important aim is to raise awareness among citizens of the following aspects:

  • Get free advice from the police!
  • Be alert in your neighborhood!
  • Dial 110 in case of suspicion!

Get free advice from the police!

Burglars tend to take the path of least resistance. The police regularly discover at crime scenes that the poorly secured doors and windows did not offer much resistance and could be broken into within a few seconds.
This contrasts with a large number of attempted break-ins where the perpetrators encountered good burglary protection and abandoned their plan.

The free advice evenings on technical burglary protection are now increasingly being offered by the police and have fortunately been well received. In many houses and apartments, nobody is at home during the day because the residents are at work and the children are at school or daycare. These are ideal targets for burglars, especially if there is no adequate burglar alarm system in place.

House and apartment owners, as well as those looking to build, are right to invest in energy-saving and thermal insulation measures. Why not also invest in burglar resistance at the same time?

Be vigilant in your neighborhood!

Neighbors can help each other. Don't close yourself off. Form a "protective community" with your neighbors and make an agreement to keep an eye on each other's houses and apartments. This form of neighborly help makes life difficult for burglars.

In case of suspicion, call the emergency number 110!

Report suspicious observations to the police immediately by calling 110. The police have the best chance of making arrests based on tips from attentive people who report suspicious observations immediately by calling 110.
If you have a feeling that "something is wrong", call. It is better to call the police once too often than to let a crime happen by passing on information too late or not at all. Potentially valuable
investigative leads can be lost if suspicious observations are not reported.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110