Video school project 2019/2020
Video school project 2019/2020 - Topic: Cycling safety
In the 2019/2020 school year, we held a school video competition in the district of Viersen to get to know pupils' views on cycling safety better. As a result, we now present four impressive films...

Virtual award ceremony by District Administrator Dr. Andreas Coenen

As a major closing event for the school video project unfortunately cannot take place at the moment due to the coronavirus pandemic, District Administrator Dr. Andreas Coenen took the opportunity to hold the award ceremony virtually and express his thanks to the pupils in this way.

In any case, we wish you lots of fun and would like to say a big thank you once again to all the students and teachers involved.

Speech at the award ceremony
District Administrator Dr. Andreas Coenen
Video school project 2019/2020
1st place 1.1 - Danger bike - Werner-Jaeger-Gymnasium

The film "Gefahrrad" was produced by an 11th (now 12th) year class at Werner-Jaeger-Gymnasium in Nettetal-Lobberich. Our jury clearly voted this film into first place.

Video school project 2019/2020
Place 1.2 - In a hurry - Werner-Jaeger-Gymnasium

The film "In a hurry" was produced by the same 11th (now 12th) year course at Werner-Jaeger-Gymnasium in Nettetal-Lobberich. Our jury voted this film into second place, and as it was produced by the same course, it moved up to first and second place in the overall ranking.

Video school project 2019/2020
2nd place - Cycling safety in Viersen - Johannes-Kepler-Realschule

The film "Cycling safety in Viersen" was produced by class 6a (now 7a) of the Johannes Kepler secondary school in Viersen-Süchteln. Our jury voted this film into second place overall, just behind the film "In a hurry".

Video school project 2019/2020
3rd place - Faster than you think - Werner-Jaeger-Gymnasium

The film "Schneller als du denkst" was produced by another 11th (now 12th) grade class at Werner-Jaeger-Gymnasium in Nettetal-Lobberich. Our jury voted this film 3rd place in the overall ranking.

Cycling safety in the district of Viersen - How the video project at secondary schools came about

Cycling accidents, cycling accidents again and again. Always a few more. And then came 2016. 412 cyclists had accidents on the roads in the district of Viersen - 32 percent more than in 2015. 77 of them were children. The highest figure for years - and the highest in the whole of NRW this year.

Since then, we have done a lot, and the figures are also falling - but it is still far from good. The VORKIDS project was launched in 2017 and 2018. We had hoped that the scientific analysis would help us find a cause for the accidents that could be specifically combated, but this was not the case.

How do you get people to engage with a topic like cycling safety without them having been involved in an accident themselves?

The idea of a teaching project grew very slowly. Not a single lesson, something that lasts longer and is more sustainable.

And since many young people like making videos anyway, the solution was obvious. Their own films, their own ideas.

And it was easy to take it a step further. Finally, an Oscar ceremony in the cinema, where the films are shown on the big screen. No joke. The date at the Kaldenkirchen cinema had been arranged, the nibbles ordered, the red carpet measured out. And then came Corona.

As a result, the children and young people involved had to wait a long time for their award ceremony and this could not take place in the planned setting after all, but in the auditorium of the respective schools, with a video greeting from the district administrator and jury instead of personal congratulations over nachos with dip.

This doesn't change how good the entries turned out. We are happy to present them here on this page. Take the time to look at the views of the participants. And if you watch them all in a row, it might almost be worth getting nachos and dip to go with it.

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