
Traffic control
The area of traffic policing covers a wide range of tasks.

Traffic is the movement of people and goods with and without aids in a defined system of road, rail, air and water transportation. Traffic ensures and is a part of mobility and is constantly changing as a result of social developments.

The police are perceived very strongly by the public, particularly in the area of traffic policing. Police tasks begin with the strategic orientation of road safety work. This includes preventive, repressive and public relations measures to promote compliant behavior on the part of road users in order to ensure the greatest possible safety for all road users.

This includes traffic accident prevention work rates, traffic monitoring, recording traffic accidents, involvement in traffic law matters (design of the traffic area, traffic warning service, traffic technology equipment, knowledge and information management in the area of traffic), victim protection and assistance, tasks in the area of large and heavy goods transport, committee work, through to campaigns and public relations work.

The following goals are to be achieved:

  • Reduction of traffic accidents and mitigation of the consequences
  • Raising awareness of the dangers of road traffic
  • Promotion of standard-compliant behavior
  • Collaboration in the elimination of danger spots
  • Strengthening the population's sense of safety.

Required measures are always geared towards local conditions and problems.

Latest news
Polizei verstärkt Maßnahmen gegen Alkohol am Steuer. Reul: „Wer trinkt, soll Taxi, Bus und Bahn nutzen.“
Have you ever had to pay a warning fine to the NRW police? This is now faster and more convenient in NRW. The remittance slips (payment slips) that you used to receive will be replaced.
NRW police, the motor vehicle trade and the state road safety organization are promoting correct vehicle lighting.
Information on
inappropriate speed
The NRW police take consistent and targeted action.
Traffic monitoring even without the deployment of police officers. The NRW police use so-called "enforcement trailers" for traffic monitoring.
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Mehr verunglückte Rad-, Pedelec- und Mopedfahrer in Nordrhein-Westfalen - Reul: „Unfallfluchten sind unfair.“
Commercial passenger and freight transport
Landesweite Kontrollwoche auf Autobahnen. Minister Reul: Die Lkw-Fahrer sollen wissen, dass sie in NRW nicht unbeobachtet sind.
In June 2014, the Federal Ministry of Transport published its traffic forecast up to 2030: traffic will increase significantly.
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Road safety work
The police in North Rhine-Westphalia make an indispensable contribution to internal security with their road safety work. Its primary goals are to reduce the number of road accidents and minimize the consequences of accidents.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110