Traffic control in front of car wash

Traffic control in front of car wash
Driver under the influence of narcotics
Herford police
Herford police

At around 2.50 p.m. on Thursday afternoon (8 August), police officers in Bünde intended to check the driver of a Daimler Chrysler as part of a general traffic stop. The driver was on the Wasserbereite at the time and was to be stopped and checked. The driver initially continued his journey and then joined a queue to the car wash at the signal box.

The driver was asked to leave the queue. He initially followed the officers' request to the adjacent parking lot of the car wash. There, the driver and passenger suddenly changed drivers and drove the Mercedes to the Park & Ride parking lot at the train station. The vehicle and the three occupants were checked there. The driver was a 37-year-old Serbian from Rödinghausen. The check revealed that he no longer had a valid driving license. It had already been withdrawn from him in 2018.

As there was a suspicion of drug use due to his behavior, the 37-year-old was given a preliminary drug test. This was clearly positive for various narcotics. Blood samples were taken from the man from Rödinghausen and he was prohibited from continuing his journey. The 33-year-old driver was able to produce a corresponding driving license. The traffic commissioner's office has taken over further processing.

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