Theft from construction sites

Theft from construction sites
Unknown persons steal data carriers
Herford police
Herford police

When a construction site employee was about to start work on a construction site between Schelmenbrink and Steinlacker Weg at around 07:30 on Wednesday morning, he noticed that a construction container had been broken into. The construction container was completely ransacked and, in addition to various tools, various X-ray films for surveying were also taken. They also threw a construction lamp, an X-ray reader and a monitor out of the window. During the night from Tuesday evening until the morning, unknown perpetrators used a lever tool to break a window of the container and gain access to the interior. The stolen goods were taken from there and the perpetrators fled in an unknown direction. The value of the stolen goods and the property damage caused is in the four-figure range.

Presumably during the same period, unknown persons attempted to break into a container on a path along the railroad tracks on Bahnhofstrasse. A construction worker discovered considerable damage to the lock on the access door. Apparently nothing was taken from the container. It is suspected that the security bar was forced open using a vehicle. Further investigations will have to show whether the unknown persons were disturbed during their crime.

In both cases, witnesses who can provide further information about the break-ins are asked to call 05221-8880.

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