(hd) The new pedelec training season starts on 07.04.2025 at 14:30 in the Jahnstadion Herford. This is offered in close cooperation between the district sports association, the police and the traffic watch. The event is aimed specifically at beginners and those returning to cycling who want to improve their pedelec skills. First of all, participants can expect a theory session in which the most important traffic rules and safety aspects for pedelec riders are taught. These basics are crucial for riding safely and responsibly on the road, especially in view of the increasing number of accidents and the severity of injuries associated with pedelecs. The theory session will be followed by a practical training session conducted by experienced road safety advisors from the police. Here, participants have the opportunity to practice safe handling of the pedelec and to practise various riding techniques and behaviors that are essential for road safety. Important: Each participant must bring their own pedelec and a helmet in order to take part in the practical session. Registration is via the district sports association and is limited to 12 participants per course.
Please send any queries to:
Herford District Police
Press Office Herford
Phone: 05221 888 1250
Email: %20pressestelle.herford [at] polizei.nrw.de (pressestelle[dot]herford[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de)