Streifenwagen der Polizei auf dem Westenhellweg in Dortmund
Police and city of Dortmund take stock: New Year's Eve passed off without any major incidents
This is a joint press release from Dortmund Police and the City of Dortmund on New Year's Eve 2023/2024.
Polizei Dortmund
Dortmund police

In the second year since the end of the pandemic-related restrictions, the people of Dortmund celebrated the turn of the year as usual. While there was a high volume of visitors on Kampstraße at times, it was lower in the rest of the city center and city area.

The security concept of the law enforcement authorities worked and the joint patrols of the police and municipal public order service only had to intervene occasionally in the event of misconduct by the celebrating population.
There were a few detentions, but these were only partially related to New Year's Eve.

The same can be seen in the reports from the fire and rescue services. Only the façade of a residential building was affected by the fire in a garbage can in Dortmund-Huckarde. 
According to initial findings, there are said to have been several people injured by fireworks on New Year's Eve, but fortunately no serious injuries.

No no-go zones for pyrotechnics

In contrast to other municipalities in the region, the city of Dortmund had refrained from setting up no-go zones for setting off pyrotechnics in advance. The security authorities' operational concepts worked. The vast majority of citizens behaved in an exemplary manner. Checks by the joint police and public order office patrols led to a total of 35 seizures/destructions of pyrotechnic objects. Seven misdemeanor charges were filed (including for the consumption of narcotics and relieving oneself).

The central New Year's Eve party on Friedensplatz did not involve any fireworks. Here, too, the celebrations were exuberant and peaceful.

The outcome of New Year's Eve: physical altercations were the exception rather than the rule given the large number of people celebrating. (As of 01.01., 05:00 h).

Pyrotechnics thrown at homeless man

At 19:05, four young people threw New Year's Eve firecrackers at a sleeping homeless man on Ostenhellweg. He was slightly injured, but did not need to go to hospital. The youths were immediately apprehended by the police. They were identified and charged with dangerous bodily harm.

At around 1:04 a.m., a witness informed the police about a propaganda offense in the Thusneldastraßa area. The police were able to identify ten people on Wilhelmplatz with the help of riot police and state security forces. These were members of the right-wing extremist scene. A preliminary investigation was initiated. The Soko Rechts is investigating. One right-wing extremist and another man who had not complied with an order to leave had to be taken into custody.

No driving license, but a weapon

At 2:30 a.m., a patrol on Mallinckrodtstraße observed a man approaching a stationary car and then immediately walking away. The initial suspicion of drug dealing was soon confirmed. The vehicle was stopped on Borsigstraße. The 18-year-old driver from Dortmund did not have a driver's license, but was carrying a PTB weapon with ammunition. He was driving under the influence of cocaine and marijuana. He had allegedly found the key to the car by chance. He is now facing proceedings for violating the Weapons Act, driving without a license and driving under the influence of narcotics. The police seized the car as evidence.

People were also celebrating in Lünen without the police having to record any outstanding circumstances (also as of 1 January; 05:00 h). Only at 1:10 a.m. did a man throw pyrotechnic objects at police officers on Waltroper Straße in Brambauer. He resisted the subsequent arrest and was initially able to flee. However, he was later found again, but then complained of heart problems and was taken to hospital by ambulance.

Note for media representatives: A further joint press release from the police and the city of Dortmund will be provided later today.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110