Totalschaden nach einem Rennen auf der Autobahn 46 - es gab mehrere Schwerverletzte.
No respect for life: Police put the brakes on banned races - a balance sheet
Anyone who takes part in a prohibited race or significantly exceeds the speed limit for other reasons is risking human life. The Dortmund police are therefore stepping on the brakes and showing speeders the red card.
Polizei Dortmund
Dortmund police

In 2022, the police seized 56 cars, 37 driving licenses and 45 cell phones following illegal races. The police initiated criminal proceedings against 126 drivers (Section 315d of the Criminal Code). In 30 of these 126 cases, the speeders caused an accident during a race.

It is not only speed cameras that catch speeders, but also the police, who pursue and stop the offenders. A typical example: on May 7, 2023, a 23-year-old Mercedes driver drove along the Ostwall at a speed of at least 90 km/h during a race - while the speed limit was 30 km/h. The Dortmund resident trivialized the incident by stating that he had been driving along the rampart in a "completely relaxed manner" and had "only stepped on the gas a little". Although the driver did not cause an accident and did not injure anyone, he had to pay 2500 euros at the end of the criminal proceedings for his allegedly "relaxed" driving style.

"These speeders ignore the high risk"

Dortmund's police chief Gregor Lange points out: "Whether deliberately or out of naivety: these speeders ignore the high risk they are taking in a race. They ignore the danger to their lives and clearly misjudge what they are getting themselves into: That they can injure or even kill a person very seriously and therefore be sentenced to prison for a crime."

The 24-year-old driver of a VW Golf now also has to deal with the criminal consequences of his actions: He lost control of his GTI at very high speed on April 29, 2023 - the passenger suffered life-threatening injuries to his head. The police are investigating the 24-year-old (Section 315d of the German Criminal Code).

"Speeding drivers show no respect for life"

For the Chief Police Director and Head of the Traffic Directorate, Ralf Ziegler, one thing is certain: "Anyone who takes part in a prohibited race shows no respect for people's lives and also no respect for the feelings of relatives who have to come to terms with the death of a loved one. Word of our controls and the resulting consequences should have gotten around in the scene long ago - but we will continue to carry out controls until the last speeding driver has understood how risky, disrespectful, irresponsible and criminal their actions are."

In the past year, the police checked 226 vehicles and 412 occupants on a daily basis and during special operations. 67 people and 41 vehicles were recorded multiple times. Crime scenes include Dortmund city center (e.g. Wall), freeways, main roads and individual districts such as Eving.

The police seize driving licenses and also vehicles and cell phones for electronic analysis. Independently of the criminal investigation, the road traffic authorities can check whether participants in a prohibited race are of suitable character to drive a motor vehicle - and order medical-psychological examinations and withdraw driving licenses.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110