Dortmunds Polizeipräsident Gregor Lange wirbt mit #LEBEN für mehr Aufmerksamkeit und Respekt im Straßenverkehr.
More drugs as a cause of accidents - Police Commissioner: "Common sense must not fall by the wayside"
Following the decline in road accidents in the pandemic years, the number of accidents in Dortmund rose by 13% to 24,600 compared to 2022/2023. In the year before the pandemic (2019), the figure was 24,980.
Polizei Dortmund
Dortmund police

(No.: 0295)

Compared to the previous year, the number of people injured in 2023 fell slightly by 1.3% to 1,779.

"In terms of road users killed and seriously injured, we have seen a slight decrease compared to the previous year. However, nobody can be satisfied with a fall from four fatalities to three, because three fatalities on the roads is still three too many. And 231 serious injuries are also 231 too many."

Two cyclists killed, one pedestrian killed

With this statement, Police Commissioner Gregor Lange presented the traffic accident statistics for Dortmund on Monday (18.3.2024). None of the three people killed on the roads were traveling in a motor vehicle - two cyclists and one pedestrian died on Brackeler Hellweg, Leni-Rommel-Straße and Bornstraße in 2023.

A look at the 2023 balance sheet also reveals that the number of traffic accidents caused by drug use has risen by 70 percent to 126 cases. The number of accidents caused by alcohol rose by 10 percent to 319. Police Commissioner Lange: "It is well known that alcohol and drugs affect the ability to perceive and drive in road traffic. To eliminate this cause, we don't need more safety technology in vehicles. We need more responsibility at the wheel - but common sense must not fall by the wayside."

Too high speed, too little distance

The most common causes of accidents on Dortmund's roads also include too little distance, too high speed, errors when turning, overtaking maneuvers, right-of-way violations, distraction by electronic devices such as smartphones and misconduct on foot or on a bicycle. "All of this leads to accidents that don't happen by chance, but are always avoidable. Respect for life, mindfulness and consideration are the best prevention," the police chief made clear on 18 March.

On the positive side, the traffic accident statistics show that 122 fewer cyclists were injured last year than in 2022 (356 instead of 478). However, the number of pedelec users rose by 12 to 131 compared to 2022 / 2023. In previous years, there were significantly fewer (2019: 32). In order to reduce the numbers, the police will continue to expand their prevention programs for pedelec riders. Training topics include getting on and off the bike safely, starting and braking, riding slowly, kerbs and level crossings.

Increased accident figures for children on bicycles

There were 21 fewer accidents among pedestrians (325) than in 2022. The sharp increase in the ever-growing group of cyclists in 2023 has come to a halt for the time being. With one exception: the 40 accidents involving children (up to the age of 14) on bicycles is the highest figure since 2019 (= 30).

Police President Gregor Lange and the Head of the Traffic Directorate, Ralf Ziegler, called on cyclists to wear helmets. The police have noticed in road traffic that children always wear helmets when cycling. Parents and senior citizens often do not. The appeal: " Parents and grandparents should also wear helmets. For their own safety and to set an example." As cycling is also becoming increasingly important in Dortmund,

Prevention and repression

"With our new strategy for more safety on the roads, we are strengthening the protection of vulnerable road users. We are expanding our services for children and, in particular, for older people who use pedelecs," announced Chief Police Director Ralf Ziegler. The police are giving equal priority to prevention and repression.

The head of the Traffic Directorate said the following about road traffic operations: "Our repressive controls are aimed at specific target groups: Where there is a lack of respect for speed, there is also a lack of respect for life and the right to physical integrity. Our checks result in high fines and we confiscate driving licenses and vehicles."


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110