BMW rolls against Opel
Police are looking for witnesses
Herford police
Herford police

(jd) A 62-year-old woman from Hiddenhausen was driving her Opel on Bünder Straße yesterday (8.7.) at 8.00 a.m. coming from Bünde and intended to turn left onto the bypass. As the traffic lights there showed a red light for her, she stopped her vehicle. A woman driving directly behind her also braked her BMW. However, the BMW then rolled forwards a little and hit the Opel. When the traffic light changed to green, the woman from Hiddenhausen then drove onto the hard shoulder immediately after turning in order to fulfill her duties as a party to a traffic accident. However, the unknown driver of the BMW continued her journey. The woman from Hiddenhausen informed the police and gave a description of the driver as well as the license plate number of the BMW with a Herford registration. The officers later met a 34-year-old woman at the owner's address. She admitted that she had also passed the traffic lights in question, but that there had been no contact between the vehicles. An evaluation of possible traces of the accident on the vehicles is ongoing. The traffic commissioner's office of the Herford district police authority is therefore asking witnesses who observed the situation to contact them on 05221/8880 to clarify the facts. The damage to the Opel is in the lower three-digit range.

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