Der Opernkinder-Vorchor der Chorakademie am Konzerthaus und das Landespolizeiorchester in St. Reinoldi.
Benefit concert guests donated 6145.26 euros to the Tafel for children in Dortmund
6145.26 euros were donated to the "Tafel für Kinder" by guests at the benefit concert organized by Dortmunder Tafel and Dortmund Police Headquarters on 29 November 2023.
Polizei Dortmund
Dortmund police

800 citizens accepted the invitation from Tafel board member Dr. Horst Röhr and Police President Gregor Lange to the Reinoldi Church that evening.

The NRW State Police Orchestra, the Opera Children's Pre-Choir of the Choir Academy at the Konzerthaus, singer Laura Riße from Dortmund Police Headquarters and singer Oliver Schmidt from Aachen Police Headquarters set the mood for Advent and the Christmas season in St. Reinoldi. Reinoldi for Advent and the Christmas season.

The Tafel uses the money to support children and young people from financially disadvantaged families to help them learn or choose a career. To this end, the Tafel cooperates with other Dortmund institutions from business and research.

There will also be another benefit concert in the run-up to Christmas 2024.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110