Anti-Semitic banner seized to avert danger
The police are currently receiving several inquiries about an operation on Tuesday evening (10.10.2023) in Dortmund-Dorstfeld. Right-wing extremists attached a banner with a statement taken from National Socialist propaganda to a residential building in Thusneldastrasse.
Polizei Dortmund
Dortmund police

The public order office of the city of Dortmund and the police were deployed together.

The police seized the banner and a Palestine flag with a fire department pallet truck in order to remove the disturbance to public safety and order and secure evidence. The Soko Rechts of the Dortmund police headquarters is investigating.

During the operation in the Thusneldastraße / Emscherstraße area, right-wing extremists already known to the police insulted two employees of the Dortmund public order office.

"Terrorist attack used for propaganda"

Police Commissioner Gregor Lange on the operation on Tuesday evening in Dorstfeld: "Right-wing extremists are using the terrorist attack on Israel for propaganda offenses against Jewish life in our city. Regardless of which direction the anti-Semitism comes from - it does not fall on fertile ground in Dortmund."

On the situation in Dorstfeld, the police chief said: "Individuals from the right-wing extremist scene are rebelling against the disintegration of this milieu and are making it into the public eye with anti-Semitism. However, Dorstfeld stands for diversity, respect, tolerance, democracy and respect for human dignity."


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110