17-Jähriger von E-Scooter gestoßen-EN

17-Jähriger von E-Scooter gestoßen-EN
Unknown person steals electric scooter
Herford police
Herford police

(jd) Yesterday (19.6.), a 17-year-old from Herford rode his e-scooter from the Friedhofstraße/Hermannstraße junction towards the Aawiesenpark. At 6.45 p.m. he was in the middle of the park when a man suddenly and unexpectedly jumped out from behind the bushes there. The unknown man kicked the 17-year-old with full force and knocked him off his scooter. The stranger then took the e-scooter and drove off. A yellow ribbon is attached to the handlebars of the Ninebot e-scooter. The police officers called to the scene launched a manhunt for the unknown man, who is around 30 years old and 170-180 cm tall. He has a full blond beard and brown hair and was wearing a dark green T-shirt and green shorts at the time of the crime. The manhunt was unsuccessful. Witnesses who can provide information about the incident or the stranger are therefore asked to call 05221/8880.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110