Dr. Quentine Pye is a police doctor in Düsseldorf and accompanies task forces to Hambach Forest, for example, rescues spectators at soccer matches and conducts further training courses on occupational health and safety.

Dr. Quentine Pye is a police doctor in Düsseldorf and accompanies task forces to Hambach Forest, for example, rescues spectators at soccer matches and conducts further training courses on occupational health and safety.
Dr. Quentine Pye is a police doctor in Düsseldorf and accompanies task forces to Hambach Forest, for example, rescues spectators at soccer matches and conducts further training courses on occupational health and safety.
Dr. Quentine Pye is a police doctor in Düsseldorf and accompanies task forces to Hambach Forest, for example, rescues spectators at soccer matches and conducts further training courses on occupational health and safety.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110