The victim protectors of the Steinfurt police: Jutta Giffhorn and Berthold Roß
Victim protection officers from the Steinfurt district police authority
Jutta Giffhorn and Berthold Roß look after victims of crime

Police work is multifaceted. We don't just look for the perpetrators of crimes, we also look after the victims. Our victim support officers Jutta Giffhorn and Berthold Roß are the contact persons for this at Steinfurt district police.

Diverse range of tasks

Victims usually need help, understanding and support quickly. That's why Jutta Giffhorn and Berthold Roß get in touch with victims of crime very quickly and arrange offers of help, among other things. They are in close contact with various advice centers and the trauma outpatient clinic in Münster. Their area of responsibility also includes advising people on police matters. This includes, for example, giving stalking victims tips on how to behave.

Correctly assessing the victim's situation

Of course, victims can also be witnesses or family members. It is often very difficult for them to come to terms with what they have experienced. They are also advised by our victim support officers. In all cases, however, it is not about explicitly reliving the crime. Rather, the task of the victim support workers is to listen to people and find the right contact person for their particular situation.

Not an easy task

For the victim support workers themselves, this often leads to stressful situations. They therefore talk a lot in the team to work through this. Jutta Giffhorn says that it is particularly nice that the people they advise say "thank you" when they leave.

You can find the contact details of Jutta Giffhorn and Berthold Roß here.



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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110