Traffic accidents and victim protection
Victim protection in road traffic
Many accident victims find themselves in a potentially life-threatening situation for the first time in a serious traffic accident.

As a result, some of them suffer psychological trauma as well as physical injuries. Any event of perceived extraordinary threat that does not occur in one's own experience can severely injure the soul.

Families of direct victims and eyewitnesses of accidents can also be psychologically traumatized. This makes them indirect victims.

It is important that people close to a direct or indirect victim are sensitive to their potentially distressed mental state. For relatives, friends and acquaintances, this often means being patient so that victims can process their accident experiences as well as possible.

The person affected by the accident may seem anxious, jumpy or insecure for a long time. Even the offer of a partner, friend or colleague to be available at all times and support the victim can have a relieving effect.

However, in many cases, professional help may also be necessary in order to cope with the traumatic experience.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110