Traffic accident trend 2023 in the district of Düren

Text: Verkehrsunfallstatistik 2023 Jahresbericht zur Verkehrsunfallentwicklung im Kreis Düren. Im Hintergrund in Blaulicht auf Auto bei Dunkelheit draußen
Traffic accident trend 2023 in the district of Düren
The development of traffic accident figures in the past year.

Total number of road accidents increased - fewer people killed in road accidents

The total number of accidents (6181/6401) and the number of casualties in 2023 (1219) increased noticeably compared to 2022 (1155). The trend that began at the start of the pandemic has therefore not continued. However, the number of casualties is still below the pre-coronavirus level.

As far as the consequences of accidents are concerned, the picture is more nuanced. The number of fatal road accidents fell from ten to seven. The number of serious injuries has increased significantly, while the number of minor injuries has risen slightly.


Small electric vehicles (e-scooters)

Similar to the national trend, micro electric vehicles are playing an increasingly important role in road traffic. On the one hand, this is reflected in the development of traffic offenses, especially insurance offenses and alcohol/BTM driving, but also in the number of traffic accidents. While there were no accidents involving small electric vehicles (EVs) in 2019, the number has now risen to 34 in recent years.


Motorcyclist in the Eifel

Although there were two fatal accidents in the Eifel region in 2023, the number of motorcycle accidents both in general and in the Eifel municipalities is on the decline and at its lowest level for five years. Police priority checks in the Eifel have certainly contributed to this. The road marking project on the panoramic road (L218) in Vossenack should also be mentioned in this context.



The number of accidents involving bicycles and pedelecs is declining in 2023. A 5-year high was reached in both segments in 2022.


In the Düren CPB, too, the number of pedestrian accidents has risen significantly and is also higher than in 2019 (before coronavirus). In 113 of 149 traffic accidents involving pedestrians, they were not the cause of the accident. This could be due to a lack of timely recognition and possibly also a lack of consideration on the part of the more powerful road users.

Traffic accidents with personal injury and alcohol/BTM

Traffic accidents with personal injury and alcohol/BTM have fallen by 10% compared to 2023


Age groups

The accident analysis always takes into account the respective age groups:

  • Children
  • Adolescents
  • Young adults
  • Adults
  • Seniors

A particular focus is placed on vulnerable road users. The number of children involved in accidents has risen significantly and is above the pre-pandemic level. However, bus accidents with a high number of slightly injured children as passengers are likely to be the main factor here.

Due to the demographic trend, there is also a focus on the senior age group. In line with the increasing proportion of the population, the number of senior citizens involved in accidents has also risen and has reached its highest level for five years.


The police are paying particular attention to the target groups of vulnerable road users, especially in the area of prevention, e.g. through

  • educational puppet shows in kindergartens and primary schools
  • bicycle training in the 4th grade classes
  • "Drugs in road traffic" lectures at secondary schools
  • "Crash course NRW" series of events for young adults
  • Use of the distraction simulator at events
  • Pedelec training for senior citizens in the municipalities
  • Events 60+ for drivers.


Young adults

The trend in accidents involving young adults has fortunately declined in recent years and remains below the pre-corona level. The crash course concept, which continues to be intensively pursued, is also likely to have a certain influence here.



The senior age group (65-74) is affected by road accidents with personal injury on a significant upward trend. Over the past 5 years, an increase of 34.48% has been recorded. A similar trend can be seen in the age group > 75 years.

The demographic trend is likely to be the fundamental cause of this development. On the other hand, however, it can be seen that the number of road accidents involving bicycles and pedelecs in this age group is increasing. The police in the district of Düren are trying to counteract this with appropriate police prevention measures.



Selected types of investment

The proportion of two-wheeled vehicles (bicycles and pedelecs) in road accidents in recent years is significant. Almost one in five accidents in the Düren district involved a bicycle or pedelec.

About a third of these road accidents were single-vehicle accidents, i.e. no other road user was involved in the accident. In more than half of these accidents, two-wheelers were the cause.

Overall, the number of accidents involving cyclists and pedelec riders has increased over the long term, although a slight decline is expected for 2023. In addition to the numerically largest group of adults, the group of senior citizens is also affected here.

125 two-wheelers were injured by another.

As two-wheeled driving is becoming increasingly popular, this topic will also be a focus of road safety work in the coming years.

Another focus of the Düren district police authority is and remains the topic of "motorcycling in the Eifel". The number of accidents in the Eifel region fell slightly during the pandemic but rose again in 2022 to pre-pandemic levels. Last year, however, the figures fell to a 5-year low. The overall trend in the Eifel region is downwards.


Traffic accidents involving small electric vehicles could pose a problem in the Düren district in the future. Rates of increase over the last three years are striking. Monitoring measures have already been intensified and will continue at a high level. The development is monitored as part of traffic situation reports

Hit-and-run accidents

A hit-and-run is a particularly socially harmful behavior. The number of hit-and-runs rose again last year, but at 1,705 cases it is still below the pre-coronavirus level, while the number of road accidents involving fleeing and personal injury is at a 5-year low of 67. The clearance rate of 55.2% is in line with the national average.


Accident blackspots

Traffic accidents are continuously evaluated. If certain threshold values are identified at traffic junctions or on stretches of road, these are referred to as accident blackspots.

The police report these to the relevant traffic authority as part of their road safety work and, together with the road construction authority, attempts are made to remedy the situation either through signage, markings or construction or other infrastructure measures.

Necessary structural changes are long-term measures and therefore take time to implement.

Outlook for the coming years

The specialist traffic strategy was revised and reorganized for 2024. The updated strategy is now divided into two fields of action, with field of action 1 relating to the respective police actions prior to a traffic accident. Field of action 2, on the other hand, deals with police actions after a traffic accident or traffic offense.

The state of NRW remains fully committed to Vision Zero with the new specialist traffic strategy.

The goal is still to significantly reduce the number of traffic fatalities and seriously injured persons. This goal is to be achieved through a series of activities in the individual success factors in field of action 1. In addition to preventive measures, the focus here is also on repressive measures, with the aim of preventing traffic accidents and reducing their consequences.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110