recumbent bicycle; bicycle helmet and a bicycle in the foreground, car in the background
Traffic accident statistics of the KPB Warendorf
Figures and data on traffic accident trends

Whether pedestrians, two-, four- or six-wheelers - they all take part in road traffic and are at risk of becoming a point in our road accident statistics.

On March 18, we published the statistics for 2023 - and there is good news and not so good news:

Good news: the number of people killed in road accidents has remained stable compared to the previous year. And the number of people who were seriously injured in road accidents fell.

Less good: more people suffered minor injuries than in 2022. There were also more accidents, with 9,354 road accidents (8,731 in 2022).

Want to compare accident trends? The statistics for the years 2019 to 2023 are available here on the right.

If you have any further questions, please contact our press office: 02581/600-130

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110