Rescue lane saves lives
Form a rescue lane if there is a traffic jam on the highway!

Always form a rescue lane in good time in traffic jams or gridlocked traffic on freeways (and multi-lane roads outside built-up areas)!

This is the only way to enable rescue and emergency services to reach the scene of an accident as quickly as possible and provide assistance. Every second counts!

The rescue lane should be formed as soon as you approach the end of the traffic jam - in any traffic jam!

It is always formed between the left-hand lane and the lane immediately to the right of it.

A rescue lane must not be closed again after the first emergency vehicle has passed. Further emergency vehicles could follow.

The hard shoulder or hard shoulder is not a suitable substitute for a rescue lane.

Stay in your vehicle even in traffic jams and do not enter the roadway carelessly.


Video: Forming a rescue lane

0:39 min Federal Government

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110