Public assemblies
Please use our form
As an expression of freedom of opinion, public assemblies are under the special protection of the Basic Law.
Nevertheless, open-air assemblies must be reported to the police.

As an expression of freedom of opinion, public assemblies are under the special protection of the Basic Law.
Nevertheless, assemblies in the open air must be reported to the police.

An assembly within the meaning of the NRW Assembly Act is a local gathering of at least three people for a communal discussion or demonstration aimed primarily at participating in the formation of public opinion (Section 2 (3) VersG NRW). Hall events, purely spectator events or chance meetings do not fall under the term assembly and do not have to be reported to the police.

Anybody wishing to organize a public assembly in the open air must notify the competent authority at least 48 hours before the invitation to the assembly (Section 10 (1) VersG NRW).
The notification must describe the planned course of the assembly according to the expected number of participants, place, time and topic, and in the case of processions also the intended route. It must contain the name, telephone contact details and a suitable address for correspondence of the person giving notice and the person who is to lead the assembly. (§ 10 para. 2 VersG NRW).

If the event is to take place in our area of responsibility, the notification must be sent to Bonn Police Headquarters. Please use the online notification option on the website of our Internet police station or the form provided for this purpose.

Please also note our information on data protection

in connection with the registration of public assemblies.


Police headquarters Bonn
Department ZA 12
Königswinterer Str. 500
53227 Bonn

Service hours: Monday to Friday 07:30 a.m. - 16:00 p.m.

Fax: 0228 15-1238

E-mail: Versammlung.Bonn [at] (Versammlung[dot]Bonn[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de) (Please send the applications as a PDF file!)

For short-term meeting notifications outside service hours (after 4 p.m. or on weekends and public holidays), please send an email to Poststelle.Bonn [at] (Poststelle[dot]Bonn[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de) or contact our colleagues on 0228 15-0.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110