Prevention advice for public figures

Prevention advice for public figures
People who are in the public eye due to political or other social activities can be the target of hostility or criminal acts. If you belong to this group of people, please follow these instructions for your protection.

Persons who are in the public eye due to political or other social activities can be the target of hostility or criminal acts. In particular, the following criminal acts may be considered:

  • Threats and insults sent by email, telephone or anonymous letter or published on the internet.
  • Crimes against property, such as damage to property such as an apartment, house or vehicle.
  • Crimes against personal integrity, such as threats, insults, stalking and assault.


As a public figure in the private sphere, please note the following information:

  • Develop a special awareness of danger by always observing your surroundings carefully and inform the police immediately by calling 110 if you notice anything suspicious.
  • Ask your personal environment, i.e. family, colleagues, neighbors or caregivers of your children, to always be vigilant.
  • Be cautious about publishing personal data - especially on social networks - and also make your family members aware.
  • Park your car in a garage both at home and at work if possible.


If you are working in a public capacity:

  • Discuss the exact procedure with those responsible in advance of public events. This also includes clarifying whether there are any risks associated with the participants or visitors.
  • Inform yourself about security measures on site, e.g. escape routes, the deployment of security forces, etc.
  • Keep your distance from aggressive, hostile people. Stay calm and avoid verbal or non-verbal provocation.


If you receive threatening messages:

  • Take every threat seriously - do not respond to any demands from the perpetrator. In any case, inform the police immediately.
  • Note that letters and other printed materials can be carriers of evidence. Protect the documents and do not touch them if possible. Document how the item was delivered to you.
  • Do not follow up on threats that you receive by email or instant messenger, but wait until the police have secured the messages.
  • Record threatening phone calls - if possible - and document the conversation in detail (location or connection, voice of the caller, date).
  • If you are threatened or insulted on the Internet, save the messages, e.g. with a screenshot.


The North Rhine-Westphalia Criminal Police Office has compiled prevention tips for public figures in several languages for you in the download area on the right. In addition to general behavioral advice, the prevention tips also contain suggestions for the mechanical and technical security of buildings. The current topic of "Lists and information collections on political opponents" has also been included. Further information on this can be found in the FAQ compiled by the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA).

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110