Road cross
Traffic accident prevention
Avoid the traffic accident
The road safety advisors of the Warendorf district police authority offer target group-oriented advice

Traffic Accident Prevention maintains close contact with the road traffic authorities, towns and municipalities in the district and initiates and participates in prevention projects together with the Netzwerk verkehrssicheres NRW in the district of Warendorf and the Verkehrswacht in the district of Warendorf.


Road safety work in kindergartens

Road safety work is based on a holistic approach. With this in mind, our efforts begin in kindergarten. Our task is to strengthen committed parents and guardians and to motivate the less committed to practice correct behavior in road traffic.

We offer information events on the following topics:

  • Children in road traffic as pedestrians
  • Children in road traffic as cyclists
  • Children in road traffic as passengers

The medium of puppetry is a good way of addressing children emotionally and demonstrating positive behavior patterns.

Road safety work in elementary school

The primary school years begin. A new, important phase of life begins for children. The time spent in kindergarten is quickly forgotten. Now children have to learn that it's not just about their needs. The daily routine has changed dramatically in terms of time and content.
The time spent in traffic and the desire for independence continue to increase dramatically.

We would like to accompany children and parents on this journey.

Shortly after the start of the school enrolment phase, road safety advisors visit children in schools and carry out school route training together with parents and teachers. Using the school route plans, danger spots are pointed out and solutions are practised.

In the 4th school year, cycling training is on the agenda. In close cooperation with schools and parents, children and parents should be made aware of the dangers of cycling.

We offer the following learning content here:

  • Bike handling
  • Bike equipment
  • Bike helmet
  • Support for schools in practical exercises on public roads
Secondary level I - secondary school

In this age group, schoolchildren are a particular risk group as cyclists. The 10 to 14-year-olds are most frequently involved in road accidents. Learning content that was still intensively practiced in elementary school on the subject of "cycling" is now fading more and more into the background. Due to puberty, other values take priority. Safe and responsible behavior in road traffic as a cyclist and motorized road user is particularly important now. It is only between the ages of around 13 and 15 that children are able to correctly assess dangers in road traffic and adapt their behavior accordingly.

We offer you:

  • Reflection campaign "See and be seen"
  • Continuation of cycling education
    with the topics right of way
    the roadworthy bicycle
    turning left
    blind spots
  • behavior on and around the school bus
  • Alcohol and drugs, aggression and imposing behavior
  • Training as a traffic assistant
  • Assisted driving at the age of 17
Secondary level II - Young drivers (16-24 years)

Overestimating one's own abilities, lack of driving experience and an increased willingness to take risks are particular dangers for this age group.

Against the background of social personality development, with all its requirements, driving a motor vehicle is to be understood as a social activity.
The motor vehicle is not just for getting around, but is part of growing up.

In close cooperation with committed organizations, companies and schools, we offer road safety programs that are specially tailored to the age group of approx. 16 - 24 year olds.

Crash course NRW. Experience reality. Really hard

... is a state project for precisely this target group to reduce the number of traffic accidents and minimize their serious consequences.

The Crash Course project clearly identifies the causes

- speed - wearing seat belts - alcohol/drugs - distraction by mobile phones

In a stage event, doctors, paramedics, police officers, fire department employees, people involved or their relatives talk about their emotions after a serious traffic accident. The preparation and follow-up work for these events is carried out by trained teachers in the schools.

Here you can access the Crash Course NRW state page.

Road safety advice for senior citizens

Fit through mobility!
The proportion of older people in the population is constantly increasing. By 2020, a third of them will be over 60 years old. Over the course of time, everyone has to reckon with physical and mental losses. They can no longer react, perceive or recognize the behaviour of others in the same way as much younger road users. However, this cannot be attributed to a specific age.

As mobility is highly valued in this age group, regular training is important. Age-related deficits must be conscious, but can be compensated for by other processes.

We offer training on the following topics:

  • as drivers
  • as cyclists
  • as pedestrians
  • as passengers on public and local transport

We appreciate your interest in working with us.

Questions and requests are best clarified in personal discussions. Give us a call or send us an e-mail.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110