Police NRW
Police traffic accident statistics 2023
Police traffic accident statistics 2023 - Number of traffic accidents increased slightly - Fewer serious injuries - More casualties - #LIFE

Police President Frank Hoever and the Head of the Traffic Directorate, Police Councillor Florian Seemann, today presented the 2023 police traffic accident statistics for the Bonn police force's area of responsibility.

Last year, the number of traffic accidents in Bonn and the eight municipalities of the Rhein Sieg district belonging to the Bonn police headquarters increased only slightly compared to 2022 (+3.5%). The majority of these were accidents with property damage (87.3%). People were injured in 12.7% of road accidents.

Unfortunately, seven people lost their lives on our roads in 2023 (2022: 1).

The number of accidents also increased (+7.6%) - this was due in particular to the increase in the number of pedelec riders (+37.4%) and pedestrians (+19.4%). In contrast, the number of cyclists involved in road traffic accidents fell (-9.3%).

The number of serious injuries fell slightly in 2023 (-2.9%).

The number of accidents involving e-scooters is on the rise again, with the number of casualties increasing by 31.1%. In Bonn last year, a road user died while using an e-scooter - one of a total of five fatal accidents involving e-scooters in North Rhine-Westphalia.

"Taking part in road traffic requires constant caution and mutual consideration. This is the basic rule of the Highway Code and therefore the top priority. I would like all road users - regardless of how they travel - to pay more attention to this basic rule of cooperation in road traffic again. Consideration, understanding and composure would be good for us all," said Frank Hoever today at the presentation of the statistics at Bonn police headquarters.


"Vision Zero" is the prime directive of the NRW police's new specialist traffic strategy. Police road safety work directly serves to protect the right to life and physical integrity. The aim is to reduce the number of people killed and seriously injured on the roads. Particular attention is paid to vulnerable road users. "Road safety work for cyclists therefore remains a strategic focus of our authority and of my directorate in particular. Both in the area of road accident prevention, which starts with young road users in kindergarten and school, as well as through checks on all road users, said police councillor Florian Seemann at the press conference.


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