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Police crime statistics of the Warendorf police station
Facts, figures and data
More than half of all crimes in the Warendorf district solved

On 9 April, head of authority Dr. Olaf Gericke presented the police crime statistics for the district of Warendorf for the year 2023 together with criminal investigator Timo Päßler.

The most important information in brief:

The district of Warendorf has

  • the lowest crime rate in Münsterland
  • the biggest drop in crime in Münsterland
  • a development contrary to the rising state and national trend
  • a clearance rate above the state average

Last year, 13,896 crimes were reported in the district of Warendorf. The police solved 57.17% of the crimes. With this result, the crime frequency figure (the KHZ represents the number of known cases in relation to 100,000 inhabitants) was reduced from 5,069 in the previous year to 4,923. This once again makes the district of Warendorf the safest district in Münsterland and therefore one of the safest districts in North Rhine-Westphalia.

The number of cases of fraud fell by 327 to 1,477 cases. The clearance rate in this broad area of crime rose to 66.28% (2022: AQ: 51.50%).

The number of cases of assault, street crime and violent crime also fell in the district of Warendorf.

The current crime statistics with further explanations and a tabular overview of the cities and municipalities can be downloaded here and on the "Crime - Information" page.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110