New telephone numbers for the police in Oberbergisch

New telephone numbers for the police in Oberbergisch
Telephone availability of the district police authority
Please note the new availability that has been in effect since November 2023.

The old three-digit extensions were finally discontinued on 27.5.2024. They will no longer be forwarded.
Press office

For technical reasons, all telephone numbers of the Oberbergischer Kreis district police authority have been changed.
All departments have had four-digit extensions since November 2023.
The old three-digit extensions were finally discontinued on 27.5.2024. They will no longer be forwarded.

You can still reach our switchboard / operator as usual on the following number: 02261 8199-0.

In an emergency, please dial 110.


Further contacts:

You can reach the Press Office by calling 02261 8199 1210.

If you cannot find your contact person here, please contact our head office. They will be happy to help you.

Translated with (API Version)
In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110