Polizeioberrätin Gabi Schmidt
Management staff of the Viersen police
The management staff, which includes the Press and Public Relations and Strategy and Controlling departments in the Viersen district police authority, is located in the "mother house" at Lindenstraße 50 in Viersen. The head of the management team is police councillor Gabi Schmidt.

The management staff advises and supports the Head of Police Department in all central management tasks and is responsible for policy matters and cross-directorate issues in the areas of strategy and controlling.

Press and public relations 

The Press and Public Relations department is part of the management staff and is responsible for central press and public relations work for the district police authority. Answering media inquiries and preparing press reports are among the main tasks of the press office. Editorial responsibility for the intranet, internet presence and social media is assigned to the public relations department.

Written press releases are published via the News-Aktuell press portal. 

Proactive press work promotes trusting and relevant cooperation between the police and the media.



Strategy and controlling

The fundamental decisions on strategic processes and objectives are prepared in these areas of responsibility. In this function, the management staff provide support for the Head of the Police Department.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110