Group of trainees at the patrol car
Internship with the Dortmund police
These internships are generally possible at Dortmund Police:
Internship at a school, administrative internship, career exploration and legal clerkship.
Participation in Girls/Boys Day, a one-day internship, is carried out in group form on the date of the "career exploration". Individual internships are not possible beyond this.
Student internship

In one week, the trainees gain a comprehensive insight into the job description of a police officer and pass through many different departments. The aim is to convey a realistic picture. In principle, pupils

  • aged 15 and over
  • from year 9
  • from comprehensive schools, vocational colleges and grammar schools in Dortmund and Lünen

are eligible for a school internship.

The duration of the internship is one week. There are no plans to extend or shorten it.

Internships are only offered in the following periods:

  1. Late January/early February (application deadline: start of the previous year's summer vacation)
  2. before or after the Easter vacation (application deadline: Beginning of the previous year's fall break)
  3. before or after the fall break (Application deadline: end of the Easter break)

All internship positions for the period before or after the fall break have been filled. Please do not apply any more!
Applications are possible for the period January/February 2025 and later!

We reserve the right to bring forward the respective application deadline if there are sufficient suitable applications.

If you would like to apply, please send the following documents

  • Cover letter with specific internship period and exact address of the school
  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form with photo
  • Copy of the last school report

Police Dortmund
Training Management/Personal Recruitment
Marsbruchstraße 186
44287 Dortmund

or by e-mail to the adjacent e-mail address of Personalwerbung Dortmund. If you have any questions, the internship supervisors are also available by telephone.

NOTE: Incomplete applications will not be considered!

Career exploration

In one morning, the pupils are given an insight into the job profile and work of a police officer. Furthermore, the recruitment requirements and other activities or career opportunities after graduation are explained.

In principle, only pupils from Dortmund and Lünen can be considered for the career exploration day.

The next career exploration day will take place on Thursday, 25.04.2024.
Please register informally by e-mail to the adjacent e-mail address of Personalwerbung Dortmund.

All places for the career exploration day on 25.04.2024 have been allocated. Please do not apply anymore.

Administrative internship for law students

It is possible to complete the "practical study period in an administrative authority" at Dortmund Police Headquarters. Twelve places are available each year for this six-week practical study period. The administrative internships are carried out twice a year, each time for six students, during the lecture-free period. The fourth semester should have been completed by the time the internship begins. There are no requirements regarding the study location.

Applications are possible for fall 2025 and later!

Applications should include the following information and documents:

  • Letter stating the desired internship period
  • Email contact details
  • CV in table form with photo
  • Current certificate of study with matriculation number
  • Copy of the most recent certificate

Please send your application exclusively by email to the email address shown opposite. If you have any questions, the internship supervisors are also available by telephone.

Legal clerkship

The contact person for selection and implementation is Ms. Raesfeld. She can be reached under the telephone number 0231/132-9001.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110