Police - one team
Information about the police profession in Gütersloh
Several information events in the district inform you about the police profession

Are you interested in becoming a police officer?

Then find out more and attend our information event in your area:

03.07.2024 at 6 pm, Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock police station 
Bahnhofstr. 54, 33758 Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock

21.08.2024 at 6 p.m., Police Station Versmold
Westheider Weg 50, 33775 Versmold

The topics will be the application and selection procedures of the NRW police force. In addition, the various opportunities within the police profession and the three-year dual study program at the University of Applied Sciences for Police and Public Administration will be explained.

High school graduates and graduates with a full technical college entrance qualification who are interested in an exciting, responsible, crisis-proof profession and who have not yet reached the age of 37 on the recruitment date (1 September) are welcome to apply. Those who have not yet reached the age of 37 by the recruitment date (1 September) can register for the events by calling +495241 869-2277 or sending an email to Personalwerbung.Guetersloh [at] polizei.nrw.de (Personalwerbung[dot]Guetersloh[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de) by 09:00 in the morning for the respective event date.

In the context of a school trial, those interested with a secondary school leaving certificate can acquire the full vocational baccalaureate from the police. Under certain conditions, a completed vocational training plus three years of work in the learned profession is also sufficient as a recruitment requirement.

Tuition fees are not charged. A salary ensures a financially secure period of study.

The prospective police commissioners are expected to have the ability to work in a team, social skills, a confident manner, situational awareness and good communication skills.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110