Tatortgruppe Sprengstoff/Brand
Crime scene group explosives/fire, defusing
The Crime Scene Group Explosives/Fire (TOG) supports the police authorities in crime scene work in connection with explosives offenses.

The TOG is responsible for defusing unconventional explosive and incendiary devices (IEDs). In particular, it provides the following operational/investigative support for the district police authorities:

- Defusing unconventional explosive or incendiary devices (IEDs)
- Supporting crime scene recording for explosives offenses
- Supporting crime scene recording for arson offenses in special cases
- Accompanying other measures of the police authorities in connection with explosives
- Forensic examinations of explosives or objects containing explosives
- Transportation, storage and destruction of explosives
- Accompaniment of special operations (e.g. state visits/major events)


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110