Auswertung und Analyse
Crime analysis
Evaluation is one of the central tasks of the LKA NRW. Analysis management and data processing coordination are part of the Crime Analysis Department.

The specialist department for crime analysis collects and evaluates all essential information from police and public sources on general crime. This includes data from the police incident management system, police crime statistics, the general and special reporting service, police databases, as well as domestic and foreign reports, information from specialist publications and print and online media. Some of this information is collected and organized automatically. In some cases, it is supplemented by non-digital data and empirical knowledge. The LKA NRW then forwards the data to the district police authorities in North Rhine-Westphalia, the state criminal investigation offices of other federal states, the Federal Criminal Police Office, the Customs Criminal Investigation Office, the Federal Police and to foreign police forces for the performance of their duties.

The employees of the evaluation management and data processing coordination departments look after the evaluation databases and tools used, design necessary changes and adaptations, and advise and support the employees of the department and other organizational units in their tasks.

In addition to temporary evaluation reports and situation reports, the specialist department for crime evaluation prepares annual situation reports on drug-related crime, human trafficking and violence against police officers, on the basis of which further initiatives (e.g. drawing up concepts and strategies to combat the respective offense area) are carried out.

In addition, information is collected and evaluated in the evaluation centers of other (special) departments. This is where the exchange of criminal police information between the police authorities in NRW, other state criminal investigation offices, the Federal Criminal Police Office and other authorities at state level is coordinated. This information is then also incorporated into an annual situation report at the beginning of the following year. In addition to the evaluation of general crime, the annual situation reports on organized crime, corruption, financial investigations, white-collar crime, cybercrime and politically motivated crime are created in this way.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110