Road cross
Crash course NRW in Dortmund and Lünen
In July 2012, the first Crash Course NRW event was held in Dortmund and Lünen by the Dortmund police road safety advisors, followed by numerous follow-up events and a consistently positive response. Here, members of various professional groups who have experienced an accident involving young drivers as well as accident victims and their relatives have their say.

Emotions are at the forefront:
When the police officer talks about how he felt when he held the hand of a young person who died at the scene of the accident during the accident investigation - it hits you in the heart. Or when the emergency pastoral worker reports how she had to explain to the unsuspecting parents that their child is dead and won't be coming home - that's reality. 

The proportion of young road users who cause serious road accidents is disproportionately high. This is alarming and unacceptable. Excessive speed, not wearing a seatbelt, the consumption of alcohol and drugs are the main reasons why people are killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidents. Distraction caused by smartphones, for example, is also becoming increasingly important.

Crash Course NRW aims to make it clear to young people that a brief moment, a thoughtless action, can destroy an entire life. Everyone is responsible for their own life!

The planned dates for the current school year

"Crash Course NRW - Experience reality. Really tough" is aimed at young people in the 10th and 11th grades. A maximum of 320 people can take part in each event in Dortmund and a maximum of 400 people in Lünen.

Dates 2024:

Fritz-Henßler-Haus Dortmund


Thursday 11.04.2024

Thursday 18.06.2024

Tuesday 03.09.2024

Thursday 26.09.2024

Thursday 10.10.2024

Tuesday 29.10.2024

Thursday 07.11.2024

Tuesday 10.12.2024


Hansesaal Lünen

Monday 29.01.2024

Monday 25.11.2024


The events start at 10:00 a.m.

Prompt registration is recommended as places are limited.

Please register in good time! You can find your contacts for Crash Course NRW in Dortmund and Lünen in the contact box on the right.

Crash course

Crash course

MIK NRW / Jochen Tack
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110