Brühl Education Center

The education center in Brühl
Brühl Education Center
Rheinstrasse 200
50321 Brühl

Operator: 02232 - 560

The Brühl police property was built in the early 1970s and has been used for police purposes since October 1, 1974. In addition to

  • the Decentralized Property and Event Management (DLVM), which reports to the central department at the Selm headquarters,
  • Department 1 (Department for Advanced Training in Emergency Response/Operations) with Department 13 for foreign assignments and Department 11.1 (Operational Training),
  • Department 2 (Department for Advanced Training in Crime/Traffic),
  • Department 4 (Bachelor's Training) with Department 42 for training as part of the bachelor's training for the higher police officers,
  • Department 5 (State Central Personnel Matters, Basic Matters for Advanced Training).

The Brühl site provides practical training content for candidates for the senior police service. In addition to training, numerous further training events and seminars take place here.

In addition, police officers from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, other federal states, the federal police and the Netherlands, Switzerland and Luxembourg are prepared for their assignments abroad at the Brühl site.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110