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Bolt on! Safe is safer.
Against burglars and for safety and security within your own four walls.

An integral part of the Herford police's fight against crime is not only the motto of the state campaign "Riegel vor! Safe is safer!". The police are taking up the fight against domestic burglary with numerous packages of measures.

Deterrence and security


The police want to achieve several goals with this campaign:

On the one hand, burglars are to be deterred and thus driven away. On the other hand, citizens should be made more aware of the issue of burglary.


Burglars are out and about during the day

Burglars are increasingly out and about during the day and take advantage of residents' brief absences or windows left ajar to break into homes.
The perpetrators often spy out certain houses or residential areas before taking action.

At this point, the police are asking for your help:


Your increased attention will enable the police to check suspicious persons or perhaps even arrest perpetrators in the act.

Police ask for your attention

We therefore ask you:

If there are suspicious persons or vehicles on your own property, at a neighbor's house or in the street or housing estate, you should note the registration number of the vehicle and contact the police immediately by calling 110.

The rule here is: It is better to call once too often than once too little! Because only if suspicious observations are actually reported is there a good chance of catching the burglars.

Call the police on 110!

These calls are free of charge in EVERY case - even if the observations later turn out to be "harmless".

Therefore: Don't be shy and ALWAYS call the police on 110 if you see anything suspicious!

Free police security advice

We also offer you the option of free security advice.
By calling 05221 888 1713, you can make an appointment with the specialist technical advisors from the criminal investigation department to find out how you can protect your home against burglars.


Only together can citizens and the police put a stop to burglars!

Further information on the topic of technical security advice can be found here.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110