Several cubes are placed on top of each other and a cube containing a symbol for "manager" is placed on top.
Authority management
Rule of law - citizen-oriented - professional - this is how we, the LAFP NRW, carry out our role and state-central tasks as the higher state authority of the North Rhine-Westphalia police.

With around 1700 employees, we fulfill this diverse role on a daily basis. After all, it is only by practising our self-image of law and order on the basis of honest and trusting interaction that we are able to convey our overarching values within our areas of responsibility.

The LAFP NRW is responsible for the training and further training of the North Rhine-Westphalian police. These cover the entire spectrum of police tasks: from core police tasks (operational management and emergency response, crime control and road safety work) to support services (leadership and management, technology, law and administration). As a professional training provider, the LAFP NRW is first and foremost a service provider for the NRW police. In Selm and at the training centers in Münster, Neuss, Brühl and Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock, conference and seminar rooms, training facilities and exercise rooms as well as residential units are available for training and further education.

The training for the senior police officer is carried out in the "Bachelor of Arts" course together with the North Rhine-Westphalia University of Applied Sciences for Police and Public Administration (HSPV NRW) and the training authorities. In cooperation with the German Police University (DHPol) in Münster, the LAFP NRW provides training for the higher police civil service, the Master's degree course "Public Administration-Police Management".

The area of training includes the qualification of all police officers. Some examples of this are the introductory training of criminal investigation officers, the qualified recording of traffic accidents, preparation for management tasks and foreign assignments as well as the continuous qualification of special units.

The LAFP NRW is responsible for state central personnel matters (including transfer and replacement procedures) as well as recruitment and selection procedures for the police service. In addition, it advises the state's 47 district police authorities on matters relating to employment law, for example in matters of personnel development.

The state-wide public relations work of the LAFP NRW supports the district police authorities in the preparation and implementation of events such as "Open Day", "NRW Day", "A Day with Us" and campaigns ("Crash Course NRW"). It also produces its own and state-wide media.

Your "direct line" on site is provided by the Office for Press and Public Relations. You can find more information under Contact.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110