Are you interested in a student internship with the police?

BMW police patrol car of the NRW police at dusk
Are you interested in a student internship with the police?
We offer school pupils from the Rhine district of Neuss a one-week work placement to help them find out about their future career.

During the internship, you will look over the shoulders of police officers at work and get to know key areas of the police force. You can find out first-hand what police work means and whether the requirements match your expectations.

Are you interested? Are you ready to do your "service" in various areas of work at the Rhine district police authority in Neuss? Your parents, if you are not yet of age, agree to this?
Pupils from schools in the Rhein-Kreis Neuss district from year 9 onwards can apply. The following requirements must be met:

  • Pupils in year 9 and above
  • aimed school-leaving certificate intermediate school-leaving certificate (with qualification), Fachabitur (with practical part) or Abitur
  • Residence or attendance of a secondary school in the Rhein-Kreis Neuss
  • Fulfillment of the application criteria (height, weight, physical fitness, health requirements)

There are only a few internships available for school pupils. Written applications with a CV in tabular form, photo and the last two school reports (both sides) should therefore be sent as early as possible to the following address:

The district administrator of the Rhein-Kreis Neuss
as the district police authority
Department ZA 2.3 - Recruitment
For the attention of PHKin Claudia Behrendt
Jülicher Landstraße 178
41464 Neuss

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