Neudorf-Nord: Collision between cyclist and a bus - one seriously injured

Neudorf-Nord: Collision between cyclist and a bus - one seriously injured
At the Neudorfer Straße/Kammerstraße intersection on Monday evening (May 24, 7 p.m.), a public transport bus from Oberhausen and a cyclist (28) collided.
Duisburg police
Duisburg police

The 43-year-old bus driver wanted to turn left from Neudorfer Straße onto Kammerstraße and presumably took the right of way from the cyclist, who was riding along Neudorfer Straße in the direction of Neue Fruchtstraße.

When a patrol car crew arrived at the scene of the accident, the 28-year-old was lying seriously injured on the road. After initial treatment by an emergency doctor, an ambulance took him to hospital for inpatient treatment. There is no danger to life. The bus driver suffered a shock.

For the duration of the accident investigation, the emergency services cordoned off Neudorfer Straße.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110