LVR-Preis Behindertenfreundlicher Arbeitgeber
Disability-friendly employer
The Landschaftsverband Rheinland (LVR) awarded the LKA NRW twice for its exemplary commitment to employing people with disabilities.

Of the approximately 1,130 employees in 2013, 103 were severely disabled or equivalent to severely disabled employees. This rate of over nine percent was above average and considerable compared to the private sector (around 4.4 percent).

"Those responsible at LKA NRW, including the management, staff council, representatives for severely disabled employees and equal opportunities officers, have long recognized that people with disabilities are good and extremely motivated employees. Together, they have created a solid and trusting basis for the employment of people with disabilities," said Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wilhelm, Chairman of the LVR, at the award ceremony in October 2013.

Blind and severely visually impaired people as well as deaf, physically disabled or otherwise impaired people work at the higher state authority, including in the area of police investigations. The special equipment for the workstations of these employees includes, for example, shelving systems that can be driven under or height-adjustable desks.

The LVR awards the title of "Disabled-friendly employer" every year. The LKA NRW received this award for the first time in 2004. The LKA NRW strives for the continuous integration of people with disabilities.



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